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"These Walls Still Talk" book release party @ Missouri State Penitentiary + Overnight Ghost Hunt w/ Get Haunted

  • Missouri State Penitentiary 115 Lafayette Street Jefferson City, MO, 65101 United States (map)

Ghost-hunting professionals, Get Haunted (from PA), presents my These Walls Still Talk book release party/book signing at the Missouri State Penitentiary. Join me and Get Haunted and the MSP staff for an 8-hour overnight ghost hunt in America’s most-haunted prison! And meet the real-life characters from the novel. We will have giveaways, food & drinks, games, and most of all, a detailed tour of all the buildings and locations where the novel takes place and the specific spots where I spent 8 weeks writing the book inside the penitentiary. Then you will be allowed free roam to ghost hunt on your own, or with me, or with the amazing MSP staff, or with the Get Haunted crew and all their high-end hunting gear. There will be limited tickets available! Get them here:

These Walls Still Talk - Missouri State Pennitentiary (

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